on the afternoon of january 26, 2019, the 2019 cygia welcome celebration was held in the ocean hall of the changlong hengqin bay hotel in zhuhai. at this welcome ceremony, the leaders of the cyg, the management and the brothers and sisters of cygia gathered together to share the annual wonderful ceremony.

this year's celebrations are divided into three thematic chapters according to the content of the program: the spirit of starting the journey is high, the new home is built together, and the future is created together. the witty pieces, the beautiful dance, the shocking chorus and other programs are wonderful and exciting. it is commendable that the program participants are all employees of the company, which fully demonstrates the versatility of cygia people, and also continues the cultural tradition of the company's annual celebration program performed by employees. the awarding session interspersed in the program is a perfect end to the excellent work of the outstanding employees, leaving a strong glory on the picture of the development of the company.

cyg chairman wu qiquan delivered a speech

mr. wu qiquan, chairman of changyuan group (cyg), as one of the founders of cygia, also personally came to the ceremony this year. chairman wu expressed his high recognition of cygia’s persistence in the fluctuation of the global economic tide this year. he emphasized that the intelligent manufacturing sector of changyuan group is in line with the current development trend of the manufacturing industry. changyuan group will unite the “intelligence” modules of the subsidiaries in the intelligent manufacturing sector to create a development platform for industry integration and technology sharing. the group's century-old manufacturing dreams produce a passionate march! in the end, wu hopes that cygia will continue to cultivate internal strength in 2019, always maintain the development philosophy of technology as the core, and contribute its own efforts to the core competitiveness of china's intelligent manufacturing development.


cyg president xu chengbin delivered a speech

mr. xu chengbin, president of changyuan group, expressed his high recognition for the outstanding contribution of cygia to the intelligent manufacturing sector of the group. mr. xu integrated the trend of industry development in the past year and expressed his optimism about the development of cygia, and highly praised the development vision of the four founders of cygia. mr. xu hopes that cygia will maintain its leading position in the industry, and will not forget the original heart in the new year, be brave in innovation, and create more success in more intelligent manufacturing fields!


speech of cygia’s current management

cygia’s ceo mao mingchun, cto xu shuang, and daming technology general manager ruan yunliang delivered a speech as the representative of the company management. the three executives first expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the company's employees for their hard work for one year. thanks to every person in cygia who worked tirelessly in the front line. executives particularly praised the r&d team's performance this year and encouraged the r&d teams to continue to build new heights. subsequently, the three executives introduced the development plan of cygia in the smart manufacturing, smart factories, new energy vehicles and other sectors, and demonstrated the company's momentum and future for the group leaders, brother company representatives and company employees. the determination of a beautiful vision is for the vision of creating a long-term “100-year-old shop”.


honor issued

led by chairman wu, the leaders of the group and the company presented various honorary awards at the ceremony. awards include cygia’s five-year/ten-year staff, excellent pacesetter, advanced department award, best rookie award, gardener award and many other awards.

after the performance, all the staff attended the carefully arranged dinner at the scene. a voice of greetings and blessings filled with the deep friendship accumulated in the work. the crisp clinking sounds dissipated the fatigue and hard work of the year. at this moment, everyone’s words are both a review of the past year, also a expectation of new story, new sailing.

of course, the lottery will never be absent! dyson's hair dryer, vr machine and other rounds of sweepstakes set off the cheers on the scene. the 40,000 mysterious prizes and the 18888, 10,000 and other cash prizes that were improvised on the spot ignited the atmosphere.